This is the original spot where I began to write and once I've left I didn't think I would come back...but here I am, back to the root of me. I've written many things at my 'other' place but one that I really liked is the one I will post below. I write about everything from my feelings to things I just make up...creativity in my soul :) I welcome comments but please don't make me cry...I'm very sensitive (or I can have your head on a plate...that works sometimes...LOL). I'm also sorta an Alfred Hitchcock kinda person I noticed...I write and then I post...but I don't go back to read it for mistakes so I'm sure if there's a word that doesn't make probably doesn't belong (one of these things is not like the others...I have ADD).
So here old to my new:
Original Title: Relationships
There's a lot going on around me, with me and near me. The big news right now: Madonna and Guy Ritchie. The headlines: Giving up on their marriage. You're damned if you stay, damned if you go.
We all want a silver lining, we all want to marry and hope for the best...some of us are more optimistic...we'll marry and know that it will be a happily ever after. Some of us find that making a marriage work takes a little something from us...its when that little something becomes your soul and then *poof* you don't know who you are anymore. The laughters turn to tears and the smiles turn to frowns. ..
We all have our line in the sand, I think the problem is when you keep moving that line...until the line is no more. How much are you willing to sacrifice to keep your marriage together? How much of yourself are you willing to lose?
Sure, relationships take effort, take time, they become a part of who you are and can make you the happiest person alive. It can bring out the best in you, the worst and make you do things you never thought you would...ah LOVE!
Sometimes love is not enough...its something you realize when you get older but once you've accepted that...what then?
I was watching the Tyra Show today and they had a couple who have an open relationship. There were people there who had their opinions...I had my own and I realized that polygamy is all around us...some of us are even in one, without really knowing it. So the next time you have an opinion on something...make sure its not in your house first.
There are some couples we root for and others we hope would just leave each other. There are some people who would leave at the drop of a hat and others that would bear a cross for many years before finally giving up. There's no real receipe for relationships but there is a foundation that without it you can't build the life you want with the person you love. You have to have your own 'rules', bend or break them you might just be selling your soul to the devil.
Remember a few things...remember what makes you happy...remember who you are...remember that not everyday will be full of rainbows and flowers...remember to be realistic, to care, to love, to respect, to honor, to cherish, to feel like an equal partner, to be open, to listen, to be there when someone needs you, to hug, to cry, to let it out...remember that love is not enough...
The one thing to remember...the most important thing to that when it all falls apart or at the happiest moment in your will always have your friends and family there with you!
Hey girl, nice to see you blogging - I needed to read this right now, very nice insight!!! xoxo
Thanks! Always great to hear from a friend :)
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